
The Program is credited with a total of 90 ECTS according to the European Credit System. It consists of two semesters of full-time study, while in the third semester the master’s thesis is prepared. The Program includes six (8) compulsory courses in the 1st semester and six (6) compulsory courses in the 2nd semester. The total number of credits (ECTS) of the Program is 90, with 1 ECTS unit corresponding to 25 hours of workload.

First Semester (8 compulsory courses)

  1. Dermatoscopic patterns of nevi (3 ECTS)
  2. Dermatoscopic patterns of benign non-melanocytic tumors (3 ECTS)
  3. Dermatoscopic patterns of rare skin tumors (3 ECTS)
  4. Introduction to dermatoscopy, basic patterns and structures (4 ECTS)
  5. Histologic correspondence of dermatoscopic criteria (4 ECTS)
  6. Dermatoscopic patterns of melanoma (5 ECTS)
  7. Dermatoscopic patterns of basal cell carcinoma (4 ECTS)
  8. Dermatoscopic patterns of squamous cell carcinoma (4 ECTS)

Second Semester (6 compulsory courses)

  1. Assessment of lesions on specific sites (5 ECTS)
  2. Management according to lesion’s characteristics and patient’s phototype (5 ECTS)
  3. Management according to the age (5 ECTS)
  4. Digital dermatoscopic documentation (5 ECTS)
  5. Trichoscopy (5 ECTS)
  6. Dermatoscopy of inflammatory and infectious dermatoses (5 ECTS)

Third Semester (master thesis) (30 ECTS)