Programme Overview

The School of Medicine of the Faculty of Health Sciences organizes and operates the Postgraduates Programme of Studies “MSc-Dermatoscopy”.

The purpose of the Program is to provide training and up-to-date theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of Dermatoscopy. In particular, the Program offers trainees the opportunity to recognize dermatoscopic structures and patterns, to correctly assess their significance and to use dermatoscopy beneficially in clinical practice.

The aim of the program is:

  1. The training-specialization of scientists in the field of Dermatoscopy. The program offers a detailed analysis of the technique and equipment used, as well as an in-depth knowledge of dermatoscopic criteria, their histopathological correspondence and dermatoscopic patterns of benign and malignant skin tumors.
  2. The offer of certified clinical training and proficiency. In addition to teaching the method itself, the goal of the program is to train clinicians in the way in which dermatoscopy is combined in clinical practice with other diagnostic methods to achieve the best diagnostic result for the benefit of patients. Health systems in most countries tend to require certified proficiency in dermoscopy for clinicians screening the population for the diagnosis of skin cancer.
  3. The approach to dermatoscopy from a methodological-research point of view. The field of dermatoscopy is one of the most dynamic research fields in dermatology in recent years. By repeatedly coming into contact with databases to search for studies, the students of the program become familiar with reading and analyzing them. They will also be given the opportunity to participate in the real research process that is constantly taking place in our clinic in the field of dermoscopy, as shown by the numerous studies that have been published in recent years.

The duration of study in the Program leading to the receipt of the Postgraduate Diploma is defined as a minimum of three (3) academic semesters, which also includes the time for the preparation and assessment of the postgraduate thesis. The Program is credited with a total of 90 ECTS according to the European Credit System. It includes two semesters of full-time study, while in the third semester the master’s thesis is prepared. The Program includes eight (8) compulsory courses in the 1st semester and six (6) compulsory courses in the 2nd semester. The total number of credits (ECTS) of the Program amounts to 90, with 1 ECTS unit corresponding to 25 hours of workload.

The teaching of the courses is planned to take place via live and distance learning, depending on the needs of the trainees.

The language of instruction of the Program is Greek and the language of preparation of the thesis is either Greek or English. All relevant procedures (announcements, admissions selection procedure, course schedule, examination procedure) are carried out in the Greek language.

Graduates of the National University Departments of Medicine and recognized foreign institutions are admitted to the Program as postgraduate students. In particular, the program is aimed at qualified and qualified Dermatology doctors, as well as doctors awaiting the Dermatology-Venoresiology specialty.

For participation in the Program, the payment of tuition fees, totaling three thousand five hundred (3,500) euros, is foreseen and their payment is made in two (2) equal installments and on dates set at the beginning of the 1st semester. Students’ registration is considered final after payment of the first installment of tuition fees.