Quality Policy of the School

Quality Policy of the School of Medicine
Faculty of the Health Sciences
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

The quality assurance policy of the School of Medicine is in accordance with the quality assurance policy of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) and is aimed towards the accomplishment of quality objectives regarding operational issues, and especially the planning and function of the undergraduate Curriculum (study program) of the School of Medicine. It is focused on the continuous improvement of the quality of the Curriculum as well as the educational, research, and administrative work, in order to adapt to contemporary academic and research requirements.

The School of Medicine is committed to enforcing a quality assurance policy that supports the academic vision and orientation of the Curriculum, and it is promoting with precision its aim and objectives, implementing its strategic goals and determining the required procedures and measures in order to achieve the ultimate goal of continuous improvement.

The goals of the Undergraduate Curriculum are:

  1. High level and good quality of studies based on international criteria.
  2. Delivery of knowledge, with special emphasis on basic science, and on the clinical work, through modern educational practices, such as problem-based learning (PBL), and integration in medical education, alongside with advancing students’ critical appraisal, creativity, and research thinking.
  3. Right balance of in-depth and broad spectrum of knowledge.
  4. Familiarization with cutting edge knowledge and conducting laboratory and clinical work, in combination with international-level research projects.

The accomplishment of the above-mentioned objectives is the core aim of the School of Medicine and this is feasible through the high academic standard of its faculty members and the active participation of its students in various activities.

More specifically, on annual basis, under the coordination of the Internal Evaluation Committee, all the Committees and Administrative Bodies of the School of Medicine cooperate in data collection and analysis (qualitative and quantitative) regarding the implementation of the curricula and course programs of the different levels (undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral), students’ progress, the new appointments and advancement of faculty members and the other academic, scientific, and research staff, the research outcome of the Medical School on a personal and cumulative level, and any other issue relevant to the function and fulfillment of the anticipated goals of the Medical School. The internal evaluation results and conclusions are presented annually during a special session of the General Assembly of the Medical School, where the necessary correctional interventions and improvements are decided.

The goals and the quality assurance policy of the Curriculum are publicly available online through the School of Medicine’s official website under the link “Quality Policy”.

The Quality Assurance Policy is realized with:

  • The commitment to upholding the legal and regulatory frame of the University.
  • The enactment, review, redesign and redefinition of the goals of quality, assurance, in accordance with the University’s strategy.

This policy mainly supports:

  • The organization of the internal quality assurance system.
  • The undertaking of responsibility and initiatives by the School of Medicine leadership, the Committees and the other administrative and functional units, the faculty members, the administrative staff, and the students, as well as their role concerning quality assurance.
  • The safeguarding of the academic principles and ethics, the prevention and deterrence of discriminations, and the encouragement of external groups’ involvement in quality assurance.
  • The continuous improvement of learning and teaching, research, and innovation.
  • The assurance of the study program’s quality and its compliance with the special model from the Office of Quality Assurance.
  • The effective organization of the services and the development and maintenance of the infrastructure.
  • The distribution and effective management of the necessary resources for the School of Medicine’s good function.
  • The development and rational distribution of the available manpower.