The Program Director


The Director of the Program is the Associate Professor of the School of Medicine of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Emilios Lallas.

Emilios Lallas is a Dermatologist-Veneresiologist and Associate Professor of the School of Medicine of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, in the 1st Dermatology-Veneresiological Department, housed in the Hospital of Venereal and Skin Diseases of Thessaloniki.

He is also the Operation Manager of the “Special Center for Melanoma and other Skin Cancers” of the same Hospital.

He is specialized and deals mainly with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of skin cancer and the management and follow-up of dermato-oncology patients.

The main field of his clinical interest is the provision of a highly specialized dermato-oncology service with the cooperation of all involved specialties, so that the entire spectrum of dermato-oncology medical services (prevention-diagnosis-treatment-monitoring) is comprehensively covered.

His main area of teaching and research interest is dermato-oncology, including the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of skin cancer.

Most of his writing and research work concerns the diagnosis and treatment of skin tumors. He has authored 426 original scientific papers published in international journals, which are available in the online database Pubmed Central ( To date there are approximately 15000 references by other researchers to his research work ( It is in the 3rd place in the World bibliography in the subject of Dermatoscopy and in the 1st place worldwide in the last decade. He has introduced and documented innovative diagnostic methods in dermatoscopy for the identification of melanoma, basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma and inflammatory dermatoses.

He has published 11 books in authoritative international publishing houses with book reviews and many chapters on Dermatoscopy in books of international publishing houses by other editors.

He is ranked in the top 2% of researchers with the most influential authorship worldwide (continuously since 2019) and in the top 1% of peer reviewers. (

He has participated as Principal Investigator and Co-Investigator in clinical trials of drugs for the treatment of metastatic melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, actinic hyperkeratosis and inflammatory skin diseases.

Participates in the teaching of the Dermatology course to the Medical students of the A.U.Th. and is the Director of the Postgraduate Program “Dermatoscopy” of the A.U.Th. He also participates as a teacher in postgraduate programs of the A.U.Th. as well as the Universities of Graz, Austria, Modena and Napoli, Italy. He is the Scientific Manager of the online post-education program Professional Certificate of Dermoscopy with students from countries of all continents, and co-founder and one of the two teachers of the international educational seminar “Dermoscopy Excellence” (

He has supervised 26 Diploma theses of Masters students and is supervising 3 Doctoral Theses of Doctoral Candidates. He is a member of the Committee for Doctoral Dissertations of The School of Medicine of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He is a member of the International Doctoral Theses Supervisory Committee of the University of Modena in Italy.

He has supervised the training of many new board and specialist dermatologists from various countries in the diagnosis and management of skin tumors.

He has delivered 178 speeches at 92 International Conferences and 193 Speeches at 99 National Conferences in 30 Countries. He has held 124 educational seminars abroad and 33 in Greece.

He is the President of the International Dermoscopy Society, a member of the board of directors of the European Association of Dermato-Oncology and a member of various other international and national scientific societies. He was Secretary General of the 5th World Congress of Dermoscopy held in Thessaloniki on June 14-16, 2018 (