Participants and Admission

The number of admissions per year is set at an upper limit of forty (40) postgraduate students.

By the end of March of each year, the Program, following the proposal of the Coordinating Committee (C.C.) and the decision of the School’s Assembly, announces positions through an open process. In particular, the invitation states the conditions for admission, the number of admissions, the categories of candidates, the method of admission, the selection criteria, etc., the deadlines for submitting applications as well as the supporting documents required.

The admission notice for graduate students is published on the website of the School and the Program. The applications of the interested parties, accompanied by the necessary supporting documents, are submitted to the Program Secretariat electronically, at the address, within the deadline set in the announcement. The deadline for submitting applications may be extended following a proposal from the C.C. and approval of the Assembly.

Detailed instructions for submitting requests online are available at this link.

The admissions selection criteria include:

  1. Possession of a university degree from the Schools of Medicine of the country or abroad.
  2. Adequate knowledge of a foreign language, as a prerequisite, at least B2 level, according to the Council of Europe system, which is accepted by the A.S.E.P. Alternatively, when the mother tongue is not confirmed, a bachelor’s or master’s degree from a Greek University or a compatriot university abroad can be submitted, which shows the successful completion of a foreign language undergraduate or graduate program.
  3. Announcements at Greek and international conferences.
  4. Publications in Greek and international magazines.
  5. Participation in research projects.
  6. The recognized professional experience.
  7. Knowledge of another foreign language at level B2.
  8. Recognized postgraduate studies.
  9. Interview by a competent Committee.

Candidates submit the following supporting documents:

  1. Application to participate in the Program (available here in Greek).
  2. Short note on the reasons for selection and participation in the Program.
  3. Copy of University degree from the Schools of Medicine of the country or abroad. A certificate of equivalence from DOATAP, in the case of graduates of foreign universities, is desirable. Certificates of completion of studies are accepted when submitting the application, but for registration it is necessary to submit the degree.
  4. Certificate of knowledge of a foreign language.
  5. Curriculum vitae detailing the candidate’s studies, teaching and/or professional experience, scientific and social activity.
  6. Evidence documents for any research and/or writing activity, for participation in educational programs or for proof of professional experience.
  7. Two (2) letters of recommendation from faculty members or from the employer.
  8. Possible certificates of knowledge in addition to a foreign language.
  9. Possible master’s and/or doctoral degrees from a Greek University or a similar institution abroad.
  10. Clear photocopy of both sides of the ID or passport.

The above supporting documents are submitted either as exact copies or as simple photocopies.

Foreign candidates, as a necessary condition for their admission to the Program, must present a Greek language certificate or a certificate of at least B2 level.

The final process of selecting the candidates for the Program is carried out by the three-member Admissions Selection Committee which is appointed every year by decision of the Department Assembly, after a recommendation from the C.C. of the Programme, which ranks the candidates based on the total number of points they have accumulated.

The Committee compiles a complete list of all candidates and, after the relevant control, rejects those who do not meet the minimum criteria set by the Department and invites the qualified candidates who have met the prerequisites to an interview.

In the oral interview, the following are assessed:

  1. the performance in the undergraduate Dermatology course,
  2. scientific training,
  3. the research experience of the candidates,
  4. the relevant extracurricular activity and
  5. related scientific interests.

The scoring of candidates for admission to the Program is as follows:

  1. Bachelor’s degree (multiplied by a factor of 1, maximum 10 points).
  2. The recognized postgraduate studies (with a factor of 1, maximum 10 points).
  3. Oral interview (maximum 30 points).
  4. Knowledge of a foreign language, B2 level seven (7) points, C1 level eight (8) points and C2 level nine (9) points, as mother tongue or obtaining a higher education degree at a foreign university ten (10) points, maximum ten (10) particles.
  5. Announcements at Greek conferences (1 point/announcement, maximum 5 points).
  6. Announcements at international conferences (2 points/per announcement, maximum 10 points).
  7. Publications in Greek magazines (5 points/publication, maximum 15 points).
  8. Publications in international journals (10 points/publication, maximum 30 points).
  9. Participation in research programs (5 points/per program, maximum 15 points).
  10. Recognized professional experience (1 point/year, maximum 5 years of experience – 5 points).
  11. Knowledge of an additional foreign language at B2 level (5 points each, maximum 10 points).

The maximum score that candidates can complete is determined by the above criteria and is 150 points.

After the completion of the process (evaluation based on the documentation file and interview), the final list of successful candidates is drawn up. In case of a tie for the last place, the degree grade is taken into account for their final ranking. Even if in this case there is a tie, then the performance in the undergraduate Dermatology course is taken into account for their final ranking. In the event of a new tie, for their final ranking, an electronic lottery is held in the presence of the interested parties.

In the event that admission positions remain vacant, they are covered until the prescribed number of admissions is filled (according to the terms of the announcement), either by ranking, as successful, candidates in descending order of overall score, or by a supplementary announcement of the vacant positions.

The final list of winners and any runners-up is validated by the School’s Assembly and posted on the website of the School of Medicine, AUTh and the Programme’s website. The process of selecting the candidates, issuing the results and registering the successful candidates is completed by September 30 of each academic year.

Objections to the results may be lodged within five (5) working days from the notification of the results.

The registration of successful candidates is carried out following a relevant announcement from the secretariat of the Programme within five (5) days, upon submission of any additional necessary supporting documents.

In the event that a candidate does not register within the prescribed period, it is taken as a refusal to accept the position and it is filled with the next successful candidate.

The above described candidate selection criteria may be reformed following a proposal from the C.C. of the Program, validation of the proposal by the Assembly of the AUTh’s School of Medicine and approval by the Senate of AUTh.

The announcement of positions for the academic year 2024-2025.